Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17: i had nothing else

As glad as I am to be home again (see my personal blog about that), I'm going to need some time to recover; hence, the picture of my Christmas present from my sister Brooks (the corset sister). She got me an awesome windchime and this is a picture of it.

I am so tired. I will also be glad when this week is over, and I don't have to keep seeing the title for Day 14; I get that song stuck in my head again every time, and I'm not okay with that ...


  1. Lol! I'll make sure not to title my blogs song names then, because the same thing will happen to me. And I like the windchime a lot, very pretty. My alarm clock has a sleep setting that plays a windchime-like noise, and it's very soothing, so I bet the real thing is even better (random tangent).

  2. Oh, that's a nice alarm clock. I use my phone because my actual alarm clock has a really annoying beeping sound. What I really want is an alarm clock that will play a CD as my alarm ... I'd put in Opheliac Disc Two (by Emilie Autumn) and wake up to Dominant every morning ... mmmm ....

    But actually, since my windwhime is inside, and my window's shut, I don't get a lot of chime action, unfortunately. Once it warms up, though, we'll see how that goes.
