Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 90: out of my hand

A day or two ago, I got Bear to eat a carrot out of my hand. Here I am attempting the same thing for the camera; however, Bear only sniffed at it this time.

I actually like how this picture turned out ...

end-of-month edit: Whew! I did about one-third of the month today! (One-third was done while I was in Highland, leaving the first third done semi-on-time.)
And I only posted 46 pictures this month (if my count is correct ... normally I just let the computer count for me by letting it tell me how many files are in the month's folder, but since I spent time in Highland posting pictures, I didn't have all the pictures in the right folder, so ... ), which gives me 189 pictures so far this year. And, I'm not going to stress out about having a no-picture-day this month, even though February's goal for the month was to not have any no-picture-days, because I think I did pretty well, only having one no-picture-day, considering ... not only did I attend a funeral/viewing, but also I spent time in Highland, and the past few days, I've been getting ready for Script Frenzy.
My record is still 15 pictures on Day 49; that one's going to be hard to beat.
But now I'm ready for April, and since I'm going to be writing like crazy, I apologize ahead of time if my pictures fall behind again ...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 89: fuzzy animals

Not the best picture, but it was the best I had ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 88: more tour

Notice, if you can see it, the number of cats.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 87: problems with focus

So here is a lovely picture of the street ... I somehow managed to focus on the street instead of on the buds ... blah, blah, blah.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 86: the tour continues

Here's my room; it's a bit messy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 85: cute cavies!

It's an action shot as they run from the camera!

And the two of them feasting ... mmm, veggies ...

And then a decent shot of Bear looking over his feast.

It was a cage-cleaning day, so they got to get out and run around. Actually, I'd put them pack in the cage and left the wire top on, because they usually just cower in their hidey-hole, and went to fill up their water bottle, or something, and when I came back, they were playing on my floor! So I just let them. I made sure they had a hidey-hole, and a little dish of water, and I got them a veggie feast, and they were so happy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 84: some more spring flowers

Apologies for the fuzziness, the other was worse.
But yay tulips! I love tulips. They are one of my favorite flowers.
I really do love spring, because so many of my favorite flowers bloom then. (With the notable exception of the fuzzy ball flowers, so-named (by Nick and I) because around Mother's Day, the bud is this round fuzzy ball, like a peach. I think they're actually poppies. I'll take pictures when I see them again; I think there are some up the street from my house.)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 83: my hair, again

Despite the fact that I'm wearing a bathrobe, I actually like how this picture turned out. I honestly couldn't have planned it better.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 82: no pictures

This was the day of my friend's viewing. I've written a little about Kelly in my personal blog, so, suffice it to say, his death was the only thing that could stop me from achieving my goal of no no-picture-days in March.
It was just a busy kind of day ... Mom dropped me off at home, where I spent time making sure the cavies were okay (I brought them with me to Highland, but had brought them back on Sunday, because I had to come all the way out for choir and game, and they had been alone all night), and unpacking my stuff, and doing dishes, and then the viewing was in the evening, and when I got home, I didn't even think about the fact that I hadn't taken a picture.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day 81: yet more spring flowers

I love these bushes. They're all over SLC, and I have no idea what they are, but they're so bright and cheerful ... I've taken tons of pictures of these flowers during my time in SLC.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 80: mexico

Things my parents bought in Mexico. I wish this was a better picture, because they're cool.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 79: monkey business

Again, just before bed, this time in my parents' bed, where my little brother Joseph was apparently watching a movie with his stuffed monkey.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 78: babysitting

My parents were still home, so I slept with my sister Brooks. This is her just before bed. I took another version with a flash, but, despite the low-light fuzziness of this picture, I thought this one turned out better then the flash-one.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 77: more flowers



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 76: my room, a tour

Just a quick picture of my room, a continuation of the tour of earlier. Because I had nothing else ...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 75: spring

Here is our front yard, anticipating tulips. Yay spring!

Here is our back yard, anticipating garden. Yay spring!

And here is my altar, anticipating the Equinox. Yay spring!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 74: it's a jungle

Andy gave me this plant. Isn't it cute? It makes my bedside table feel like a jungle.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 73: snow at night

This is both better than I thought it was on the camera, and not as good as in real life. It just looked really cool.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 72: growing things

It's a crocus. One of the ones I planted.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 71: boys are messy ...

... no matter species they are. I always come home to find that they've knocked their water bottle off the side of the cage, or something, but this was just something ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 68: snowy green

Snowy bushes ...

Snowy leaves ...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 67: baby aurora

Here's Kristin (Lisa's sister) , holding baby Aurora. Check out her feet, she's wearing the booties I made for her! This is just before game.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 66: spiky blue sky

I'd been wanting to get pictures of new buds, so here's spiky buds against a bright blue sky:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 65: outside angles and brightness

Wow, this is so much brighter than I remember when I took the picture. Or maybe it's just that I'm on my parents' computer, which is so much brighter than mine. Who knows?
Anyway, I'm in Highland, babysitting my siblings, and I'm taking advantage of a few minutes to try to update my blog ...

It took me several tries to get this to look how I wanted. And it turned out pretty well, I think.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 64: more cavies

My babies are hiding in their tissue box hidey-hole. It's a bit too small for them, but they squish in nonetheless ...

Panda's out of the hidey-hole, and Bear's sticking his little nose out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 63: my hair

It's a picture of my hair. I dunno, I thought it looked good. It doesn't always.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 62: where i'm going to live, part 2

Yay, better pictures of the place where I'm going to live! I love all the bright colors.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 61: where i'm going to live, part 1

But first, continuing my knitting project:

It is currently about half-way done; I don't know if this is a picture of half-way done, or if it's just a picture of what I accomplished on Sunday, which is most of that.

Here are spring flowers. They're all over our house, apparently, and I like this shot, because I like the angle and the perspective.

Now, the place where I'm going to live! I came across this community on my way to the DI on 7th, and I immediately fell in love. It was difficult to get pictures, because people got wind that I was there, and they were watching me. You'll see in the next picture.

This little boy kept hanging around outside, and then his family all came out and stood around the front porch, talking ...

But I just love it because all the houses are exactly the same, but they're all these awesome bright colors. So, we'll see. Someday, I'll live in one of these houses.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 60: knitting with broomsticks

That's how my friend described #19 needles. Like broomsticks.

These are only #15, but I tell you, cabling with this thickness of needle and of yarn ... it's difficult.

And for perspective ...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 59: my many projects

As promised, here's a picture of the two completed wristwarmers. Aren't they cute?

Detail close-up of the picot bind-off.

And here's the same for the ruffles.

And my new knitting project!
I'm knitting a rug. Knitting needles are not like wire gauge; as the number goes up, the circumference of the needle gets bigger. So, the pattern called for #19 needles. My tension is pretty loose, anyway, I could have gotten away with #18 or possibly #17 needles and still gotten about the same size finished piece as someone else using #19 needles. Unfortunately, the largest size I have #15. I know it's hard to tell, maybe I'll take a picture of my holding the needles, so you can see it next to a person, but #15 are huge. And still not big enough.
But I'm doing it anyway, because I need a rug in the kitchen. So I got sheets from DI, and I've been ripping them up, and knitting with them. So, you can see the beginnings of the rug, the needles, the ball of "yarn", and the sheets, which I need to continue ripping ...

And one last project, a new project: I gathered willow branches (by picking them up from where the tree had shed them like a pine sheds needles), and I want to weave them into a basket. I want to make a basket for my bike. It would make my bike ten times more useful than it already is, if I could pack things on it. I figure, if this project goes well, I'll be able to weave a couple more baskets for use as panniers (saddlebags), and then I'll have three baskets.
But for now, I have a bunch of willow branches on my floor.

end-of-the-month edit: This month, I posted 63 pictures (I only fell short of the-end-of-January's prediction by 7 pictures!), which makes 143 pictures so far this year. Also, this month holds the record so far: on Day 49 I posted 15 pictures, which beats last month's record of 11 pictures on Day 19. Both of these days were really good camera-days for me, not just for number of pictures, but just getting really good shots, so yay for record days!
So, my goal for March is to not have any no-picture days. That's it. I may take a picture of my carpet, or something, but I will have a picture per day.