Detail close-up of the picot bind-off.
And here's the same for the ruffles.
And my new knitting project!
I'm knitting a rug. Knitting needles are not like wire gauge; as the number goes up, the circumference of the needle gets bigger. So, the pattern called for #19 needles. My tension is pretty loose, anyway, I could have gotten away with #18 or possibly #17 needles and still gotten about the same size finished piece as someone else using #19 needles. Unfortunately, the largest size I have #15. I know it's hard to tell, maybe I'll take a picture of my holding the needles, so you can see it next to a person, but #15 are huge. And still not big enough.
But I'm doing it anyway, because I need a rug in the kitchen. So I got sheets from DI, and I've been ripping them up, and knitting with them. So, you can see the beginnings of the rug, the needles, the ball of "yarn", and the sheets, which I need to continue ripping ...
And one last project, a new project: I gathered willow branches (by picking them up from where the tree had shed them like a pine sheds needles), and I want to weave them into a basket. I want to make a basket for my bike. It would make my bike ten times more useful than it already is, if I could pack things on it. I figure, if this project goes well, I'll be able to weave a couple more baskets for use as panniers (saddlebags), and then I'll have three baskets.
But for now, I have a bunch of willow branches on my floor.
end-of-the-month edit: This month, I posted 63 pictures (I only fell short of the-end-of-January's prediction by 7 pictures!), which makes 143 pictures so far this year. Also, this month holds the record so far: on Day 49 I posted 15 pictures, which beats last month's record of 11 pictures on Day 19. Both of these days were really good camera-days for me, not just for number of pictures, but just getting really good shots, so yay for record days!
So, my goal for March is to not have any no-picture days. That's it. I may take a picture of my carpet, or something, but I will have a picture per day.