Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31: he's playing hide and seek

So, I was walking along, and I looked up, and this little guy was close, and looking right down at me ... But before I could get my camera out, he moved a bit further away. So, see if you can find him, he was hiding at this point:

He's in plainer sight, but still not easy to see ...

There he is! I swear, he was posing for me at this point. And then he started following me (not very far).

So, it's the end of the month! I uploaded 80 pictures this month! (That's more than I expected.) (When I hit 365 pictures, can I quit?) I also missed one day (officially).
It's been an interesting month. I got a job, went on a date or two, and got back into the photographing spirit, which is very good.
Next month will be a short month, so probably only 70 pictures or so ... :D
Love you all, see you next month!

Day 30: green! (more macro)

It could almost be spring!

Day 29: because i'm always freezing (a mini-project)

While searching for patterns for baby-mittens for Aurora, and practicing cables (upon finding a pattern that I'm actually not going to use, because it was for 6 mos-1 year, and Aurora's a newborn ... and apparently my tension is really loose, because I did not alter the pattern one bit, except to end early, and they fit my wrists ... ), I made wristwarmers!
Actually, it's less that I'm always freezing, and more that I read that legwarmers were originally only worn by dancers, etc, to keep their leg muscles warmed up, so they didn't injure themselves ... and I'm a writer, so I need to keep my arms/wrists warmed up for all the mad typing I do!

Both wristwarmers. Unfortunately, I needed one hand to take the picture ...

A close-up of the cables on the better (aka second) wristwarmer. I'm very proud of myself, I figured out how to do this from poorly written instructions and a video showing me how to do something else ...

And, somehow, I lost the better wristwarmer! At Smith's, I think. :(
But they're so quick (I made both in one evening) and take so little yarn, I may take the crappier one apart and remake it and make another.

Day 28: it's called the pentagram spread

Hmmm ... apologies for the awful fuzzy picture. I didn't realize until just now ... (and since I neglected to update all week, 'just now' is NOT Day28)
From the top, in sunwise order, the positions and related cards are:
Spirit: Six of Wands
Water: Ten of Pentacles
Fire: Five of Swords
Earth: Queen of Swords (R)
Air: Prince of Pentacles (R)

I might set these cards up again and take a better picture in the morning ... just so you can actually see my cards, because they are lovely ...

Day 27: adventures in suburbia

Another picture of my street (700 S) from the top of the hill. It's misty/inversiony ...

I thought this was really clever. I also think we need something like this. (I'll have to take a picture of the front of our house so you can see why ... )

And ... yay! Trash can fires in ... plastic trash cans.
Somehow doesn't work as well as you might think ...

Also, if you can notice the discrepancy, you get ten points!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 26: snow and happy birthday

Subtitle: I love the macro button.

Anyway, it snowed, so here's more snow pictures. Also, my mommy's birthday is on Day 26: happy birthday, mommy!

Some snow piled on a branch:

Snow and berries!

A snowy tree, from afar. I'd wanted to do more close-ups and maybe some odd angles with the tree, but I'm not sure they would have turned out.

The valley. This is where I live.

More of my favorite: pyrocanthus! (Thanks Beverly!) I liked the red berries against the white snow and dark branches/leaves.

And this is probably my favorite.

Love you all!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 25: a new project (quick!)

I need to make more things for babies! I bought the yarn TODAY, on my way to game, and would have finished both booties and left them with Lisa to put on her new baby Aurora as soon as she's born (C-section scheduled for Friday), but I forgot the yarn needle, so I couldn't sew them up until I got home.

So this is before sewing them up:

And this is the finished product, and the picture's not a close-up, because for whatever reason I could NOT get a clear picture close up.
Click on it to enlarge. I WILL get pictures of Aurora wearing the booties when that happens, sohopefully that will be a better picture.

And I still have tons more yarn. I'm trying to decide if Aurora needs more booties, or if I should maybe do a hat? Hmmm ... maybe if I find another pattern, because then she can have multiple booties, and they're the same color, but they'd look different. I would also do a hat, and maybe I should ask Lisa if there's anything else Aurora would need/want ...