Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 52: more cavies

Yes, I do still call them guinea pigs, or piggies, but I like the term cavies, because they don't actually look like pigs.
Anyway, this picture is pretty bad and fuzzy, but they are out of the tissue box, so it's a better picture of them ...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 51: the spiny rat

Main Entry: ca·vy
Pronunciation: \ˈkā-vē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural cavies
Etymology: New Latin Cavia, genus name, from obsolete Portuguese çavia (now sauiá) the spiny rat Makalata (Echimys) armata, from Tupi saujá
Date: 1796

: any of several short-tailed rough-haired South American rodents (family Caviidae) ; especially : guinea pig

So, I got my cavies on Thursday (Day 50), and right now they are hiding in a tissue box. It's their favorite place to be, because they can both fit in it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50: no pictures

Day 50 ought to feel like an accomplishment.
I'm sure it would if I hadn't been flat on my back the ENTIRE day, getting up only to greet my mom and allow her to take me out to lunch after dropping off my guinea pigs (pictures of them tomorrow), and to drift through writing group (to which I went only because it was something of mine being critiqued that night).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49: holy picture day, batman!

Today, my pictures fall into three categories. The first category is:
While I Was Walking Home:

I like the nearly black tree against the puffy white clouds and bright blue sky. I also like the neat angle. This is one of my favorites for today.

This (and the following ones) is part of a house/lot that is near my own home. I'm not sure how much of it belongs to which people (there's two houses connected (like a duplex) and a lot of land surrounding both), but there's a lot of really cool-looking stuff associated with this area, like my pyrocanthus bushes. So, this is a little stream.

I imagine there will be a stream, here, too, once the snow melts a little more, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's just an indentation in the ground and not a stream-bed.

And here we are from the side looking into maybe the "other" yard.

And this is looking into the same area, but from above, where the pyrocanthus bushes are. This is where the guy whose step-dad owns this area (the area pictured here, not sure about the stream and all that) came and asked me if I worked for the state, because apparently, there's some issues about whether or not his step-dad has managed to fulfill all state regulations about something-or-other yet. We chatted for a bit, and I told him I just like taking pictures, and I wished I'd had some kind of card that I could give him, so he could visit my site, and see the pictures I've taken of his property, but alas. He told me to keep taking pictures, so I did.

I like this picture better than the other. But there's this little pond down there, and a little pavilion, and his step-dad has an RV he parks down there, and it's all very cool. I would live down there if I could ...

Now, here's category #2:
I Was Bored At The Laundromat

Plus, I've wanted to take pictures of clothes drying anyway, it seemed like it would be a good picture. Now I'm not so sure. I think the washers would be more interesting, but the sideloaders with the see-through doors are more expensive, so I use the top-loaders, and it's less interesting.

And my darks ...

Category #3 is:
While I Was Waiting For The Bus

It was an exceptionally nice day, with a gorgeous sky, so here I am taking pictures at the bus stop.

Yay, more tree-and-clouds-and-blue-sky!

I love the odd angle on this one. Odd angles, macros, and bright colors are my favorite things to photograph. This is perhaps another of my favorites of today's pictures ...

And, in case you didn't believe me, here's a picture OF the bus stop.

I looked at this picture later, while deciding which pictures to include for oday, and which ones to leave out, and I could not remember what I was taking a picture of. I think it's the house. I think I thought the house just looked cool. Or something.

And this is where I do laundry. It's called the Sunshine Center. It's on 1100 E, just south of 1300 S.
I remember looking at the sign along the top, where they list their various services (because some guy disturbed me while I was folding my clothes to ask if they did dry cleaning, and since I never dry clean my clothes (and don't work there), I had no idea, and said so, and he left, without trying to find out the answer to his question from someone who might actually know), and saw the 'tanning salon', and for a moment (because my mind was on textiles and things worn) I had this image of them tanning leather in the back, and I thought that was SO COOL!
But, yeah, I don't think that's what they mean.

And more on perspectives and angles and whatnot.

Very productive camera-day, it more than makes up for my other (less-productive) camera-days of the rest of the month: 15 photos.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 48: experimental

I feel like these are "experimental", because I was "trying something".
I was trying to be artistic. Did it work?

Next one ...

And some ivy. I like this one. Not sure about the others.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 47: no pictures

Thus begins the series of days of no pictures.
I still wanted a post for the day, though ...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 46: holes in my ears

So, last night I found that my ears are still pierced. I thought the holes had closed up forever ago, and that I was doomed to earring-less-ness forever, or at least until I scraped up the money and courage (because I've pierced my ears twice now, and twice they've gotten infected and closed up) to get them done again.
But I pushed out pus (actual, thick-yellow pus, instead of this clear damp stuff), and then got an earring to see if I could push out anything more, and ended up pushing it all the way through the hole in my ear.

So, today's pictures are of me wearing earrings, because that's the only exciting thing in my life today, because I feel like shit. I didn't know which picture I liked better, even though neither of them were quite what I was going for (I didn't mean to cut off bits of my face). So, I put up both.