Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 66: spiky blue sky

I'd been wanting to get pictures of new buds, so here's spiky buds against a bright blue sky:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 65: outside angles and brightness

Wow, this is so much brighter than I remember when I took the picture. Or maybe it's just that I'm on my parents' computer, which is so much brighter than mine. Who knows?
Anyway, I'm in Highland, babysitting my siblings, and I'm taking advantage of a few minutes to try to update my blog ...

It took me several tries to get this to look how I wanted. And it turned out pretty well, I think.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 64: more cavies

My babies are hiding in their tissue box hidey-hole. It's a bit too small for them, but they squish in nonetheless ...

Panda's out of the hidey-hole, and Bear's sticking his little nose out.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 63: my hair

It's a picture of my hair. I dunno, I thought it looked good. It doesn't always.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 62: where i'm going to live, part 2

Yay, better pictures of the place where I'm going to live! I love all the bright colors.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 61: where i'm going to live, part 1

But first, continuing my knitting project:

It is currently about half-way done; I don't know if this is a picture of half-way done, or if it's just a picture of what I accomplished on Sunday, which is most of that.

Here are spring flowers. They're all over our house, apparently, and I like this shot, because I like the angle and the perspective.

Now, the place where I'm going to live! I came across this community on my way to the DI on 7th, and I immediately fell in love. It was difficult to get pictures, because people got wind that I was there, and they were watching me. You'll see in the next picture.

This little boy kept hanging around outside, and then his family all came out and stood around the front porch, talking ...

But I just love it because all the houses are exactly the same, but they're all these awesome bright colors. So, we'll see. Someday, I'll live in one of these houses.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 60: knitting with broomsticks

That's how my friend described #19 needles. Like broomsticks.

These are only #15, but I tell you, cabling with this thickness of needle and of yarn ... it's difficult.

And for perspective ...