Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10: a study in perspectives

I am submitting two versions of the same picture because I was struck by how different they are, even though they're the same picture, the same subject matter, taken within seconds of each other, etc. The only difference is the perspective, the angle.
In the first, it's just a picture of a collection of things. But change the angle slightly, and suddenly, there's composition. It's kind of amazing.


  1. What's in the bowl? It looks nummy. . . :)
    I've often found it amazing what a little repositioning can do to a picture. I usually make sure to take every shot from several angles because of this.

    Oh, and what's gadget did you use to link to my blog? I want to link to yours on mine. :)

  2. In the bowl is cinnamon applesauce, and it was indeed very nummy ...

    And the gadget is called Blog List.
