Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9: eHow but not the moon

So, today, in search of knowledge, I found myself at my favorite site in the world, eHow. I was wandering around, reading about how to hook up solar power, and how to milk goats, and how to feng shui your bedroom, and I thought, I can write much better how to articles than this! (at least for the feng shui ones ... )
So, I signed up, and spent a lot of today writing articles (I think that counts for my writing every day goal, even though it doesn't feel like it). The first article I wrote was in the list of articles that had been requested, and it was How to Make Cinnamon Oil.
So, this is the picture I took for the article: everything you need to make cinnamon oil:

If you like, you can visit my eHow profile/articles here.

Then, I stepped outside, and the full moon was bright and huge and gorgeous, and I wanted to take a picture of her, but my pictures ended up being sad and jumpy, so ... no moon.


  1. I love the colors and compostion! (don't I sound smart :) )

    I'll check out the eHow too, I'd heard of it before but never actually got around to checking it out. So many internet things are like that for me. :)

  2. Oh, but eHow is amazing! Their tagline is "How to do just about anything", and it's true!!
    So, definitely check it out!!

  3. I hate you. :) I checked it out, and now I'm addicted. Because for every article you go to, there's related ones, and related ones for that. . . and everything is something that you'll probably never do, but it sounds exceedingly interesting. Sigh. Lol. :)
