And the two of them feasting ... mmm, veggies ...
And then a decent shot of Bear looking over his feast.
It was a cage-cleaning day, so they got to get out and run around. Actually, I'd put them pack in the cage and left the wire top on, because they usually just cower in their hidey-hole, and went to fill up their water bottle, or something, and when I came back, they were playing on my floor! So I just let them. I made sure they had a hidey-hole, and a little dish of water, and I got them a veggie feast, and they were so happy.
:D I love the "action shot". My rats love their veggies too; for some reason, they really like it when I gather dandelion leaves for them. I first found this out when I let Kendra wander around outside. She seemed to believe it was her duty to personally taste every dandelion in the yard (and there were quite a few). . . :)