My mom had told me on the day she dropped them off, that she was "still pretty sure they were both females". I had looked a little bit before this, but with my computer on, I was able to check out the website that details how to properly sex your cavies (
I was able to get the penis to extrude on both of them, plus I felt it (as a little ridge) beneath their fur in both cases. They are officially both male.
So, here's their introduction:
This is Panda, so-named for the black panda-like circles around his eyes. He's kind of shy; he hides more than his brother does, and he hates being taken out of his cage. When I take him out, if there's not someplace immediately available to curl up in, he just sits out in the open, frozen like a deer in headlights.
And this is Bear. He's bigger than Panda, and also more adventurous. He'll explore. I think he's actually looking for a place to hide, but he at least LOOKS for a place to hide, instead of just standing there.
They are both ridiculously adorable. My favorite thing about cavies, and the thing that made me fall in love with them, back when I first met my sister's piggies, is the noises they make. It's a sort of cooing, completely foreign to people who are used to mice (as I was, since I'd had a few growing up). They only make the sound when they are relaxed, and so they didn't for the first few days, at least when I was around. They've gotten used to me by now, and they'll coo around me now, and it's adorable.
I officially love cavies.
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