Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 34: that's a crocus

So, sometime in October (I think? Whenever the Farmer's Market ended), I planted some bulbs. I bought (on the last day of the Farmer's Market) daffodils (my favorites), crocuses, and something that looks like bluebells, but I'm not sure if they are ...
So, this is the patch where I planted them (don't mind the plastic and stuff, we're trying to kill the grass so the backyard can be a garden):

And here's some new green stuff, I don't know if they're anything I planted, or just plants coming up, but still:

And this is definitely one of the plants I planted, not sure which yet. But I'm so excited!!

February, by Dar Williams:
And February was so long that it lasted until March
And found us walking a path alone together
You stopped and pointed and
You said, "That's a crocus."
And I said, "What's a crocus?"
And you said, "It's a flower."
And I tried to remember, but
I said, "What's a flower?"
And you said, "I still love you."

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I love new green things coming up! We've had a ton of daffodils and tulips out front since I was tiny, and I've always loved knowing spring is coming by seeing them appear. I also liked to cross breed the yellow tulips to the red to get striped ones, but maybe I was just an odd child. :)
